No Lop Eared Rabbits in South Africa

We get numerous requests for Lop eared bunnies and sadly there are no Lops in South Africa!

We did have Lops many years ago but sadly it seems they were not a popular breed at the time, resulting in us loosing them all together. 😕

I do understand that this is absolutely devastating news. I mean who wouldn’t want a Lop? They are just the cutest looking bunnies ever! 😍

Lops ears actually grow out of the side of their heads opposed to other bunnies whose ears are situated near the top of their heads. Note the area between the ears – this is called the crown.

There is also a total ban on the importation of rabbits – we do not have to vaccinate our buns (like the rest of the world) as we don’t have the dreaded diseases myxomatosis and VHD. Our rabbit clubs have looked at the possibility of building a quarantine facility to enable us to bring in new bloodlines and it is sadly just not feasible. One small little mishap  (like a mosquito/fly getting in and out of the quarantine facility) could result in a total decimation of our indigenous rabbits and hares as well as affecting every single person who owns bunnies.

Now I know that you would say “but I have seen some Lop Eared bunnies advertised” & I would reply “yes, so have I”! The fact is that ANYONE who is advertising and selling Lops Eared rabbits in South Africa is a scam artist.

They seem to have two modus operandi; 1. You send them the money after choosing your bunny from an email usually.  No bunny ever arrives and you can not trace them as money was sent via Cash send or through supermarkets.  2. You get to go and choose your “Lop” & unknowingly purchase a rabbit that either has poor ear carriage or has had its ears broken!  😢

Please be warned and don’t be scammed!

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